Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Leadership Summit

Before facilitating my group individually, I had the opportunity to meet with three other students who would be leading a group on the same day. We were able to share our topics and plans for leading our group and give feedback to one another. The leadership summit was very helpful to me in thinking out the best way to effectively execute my group protocol, especially since I had a heavy topic. I was having a hard time thinking of a good warm-up activity, and I got great suggestions from my group including doing a high and a low from that weekend, doing a twister game, or doing a race to put a diaper on a baby doll. It was helpful for me to hear what they were doing for their warm-up activities. Even though I did not use any of these creative suggestions, I now have some additional ideas in my "OT toolbelt" for groups I will lead in the future. From this leadership summit, I learned that it is always a good idea to utilize your peers for intervention ideas, group activities, or finding the best evidence-based practice that they may have knowledge of that I do not know about.

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