Monday, May 1, 2017

Bob Roberts

Bob Roberts was diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease in 2003 and passed away in 2014. He loved to fish, gamble, read the paper, smoke, eat, travel, and play games on the computer. Parkinson's began to slowly take these enjoyable past times away from him. Bob would frequently fall because he was shuffling his feet instead of picking them up. He did not get occupational therapy early enough in his diagnosis, but occupational therapy did help his balance.  His granddaughter, Sarah, told us that one time his occupational therapist told him they were not going to do therapy that day. Instead, they played cards. Obviously, playing cards was used as an occupational therapy intervention, even though to Bob, it just seemed like a fun game! I feel as though I have a much better understanding on Parkinson's Disease because of Bob's story!

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