Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Documentation & Professional Development in OT

Keeping proper documentation of certificates, licensures, immunizations, and professional development hours is an essential part of becoming a competent and professional practitioner. I have always struggled with organization, but thought I had come a long way throughout undergraduate school. I quickly realized when I started the process of applying to OT school just how important it is to keep all important documents on file and easily accessible. One stressful night I realized that I was missing the document proving that I had received my second hepatitis B shot. I looked every where both in my room, in my back pack, in my mom's file cabinet, and all throughout my computer just in case I had scanned it. If I did not find this documentation, it was possible that my school account would be put on hold. I called the Walgreens I had received the shot at and they said they could give me proof that I had received that shot, but I would have to come in. Unfortunately, that Walgreens was located in Clinton, MS, about three and a half hours away. I drove to my local Walgreens around 1:00 in the morning. Thankfully, they were able to print my history at the Walgreens pharmacy from the last month. Although it wasn't the best proof that I had received the shot, it was still documentation. Needless to say, I learned an important lesson that night about keeping up with the materials I will need when I head out on fieldworks and start my career. When I began starting to assemble my professional development portfolio, it was very eye opening to think about all the documentation I will need to have access to throughout my future career as an OT. I am so glad that I was educated on the different types of professional development hours and how to keep track of them in case of a future audit by the state or national licensure board.

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