Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Main Take-aways from Foundations

Never has a class or experience made me so excited about pursuing the career of occupational therapy! Every single class session I was excited and thinking about the many ways I can apply concepts learned in lecture to my future practice one day. It was so helpful to even break down something as basic as what an occupation can be. Through observation and learning about the profession of OT I had always heard occupation and ADL thrown around but it was so helpful to understand and categorize what these terms could really mean in therapy. I also loved doing the activity analysis, mainly because it gave me so many fun ideas I hope to implement into therapy one day! It was very helpful to learn the models of practice and frames of reference because it gave me a better understanding of the diversity of thought in the field of OT. Doing the era presentation and timeline project gave me a deeper respect for the field of OT when I learned about all the different populations occupational therapy has touched in the last 100 years. I too, am a podcast junkie and the podcasts posted in this class helped me get out of the bubble of "popular" podcasts I had been listening to and explore podcasts that told stories of people I could one day be serving. I also loved the use of Youtube videos in this class! I never realized how valuable of a resource Youtube can be when learning about various symptoms and listening to peoples' stories. the lecture on AT was also so unique and really taught me about a whole world of tech that I was pretty clueless on. I thoroughly enjoyed this class, and I know I'll save so much of what I learned when I am a practicing occupational therapy practitioner.

1 comment:

Dr. Lancaster said...

Thank you so much, Sarah, for the feedback and insight, especially on some of the less traditional instructional delivery methods and tech tools. I look forward to continuing to share podcast recommendations and to learn alongside you in the days to come.