Monday, May 15, 2017

Reflections on Reflecting

I have never been a huge blogger or writer. Somewhere out in the "inter-webs" there are several blogs I started with high hopes that only got one measly post, or maybe just a cute theme. I have started many empty journals with aspirations to write my thoughts and feelings nightly, only to not make it past the first page. When I learned that my foundations class would require me to start a blog, I was genuinely excited! Finally, I will be held accountable for maintaining a blog and writing regular posts! I was so excited to begin the journaling process during this crazy phase of graduate school. Then I realized that I would need actual content for this blog. I was very nervous about putting my experiences as an occupational therapy student on the web. What if I seem incompetent? What if I write something that's wrong which means I'll be a bad OT one day? Once I realized that this was delusional thinking, I fell into the comfortable rhythm of writing as I became inspired in class and by my OT experiences. Through the past few months of OT school, I have learned that OT is as diverse as the interventions that OTs use. Although there are concrete truths that OTs should uphold such as being client centered, occupation centered, evidence based, and culturally relevant, there is no one right way to be an occupational therapist. This concept freed me in my writing and I really began to enjoy it. I hope that when I become a practitioner, I will record inspiring stories and interventions that really worked for me so that younger practitioners can learn from my experience. This assignment has been a valuable experience to my learning.

1 comment:

Dr. Lancaster said...

I'm so glad you have dusted off your writing pen, Sarah!